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Building Amara together

Amarapedia is a collaborative project linking the quarter of Amara in Donostia-San Sebastian and the on-line encyclopaedia Wikipedia, which is focused on the facilities of local information system (covering subjects such as places, building, facilities, streets…etc.).[1]

Amarapedia is inspired by the Welsh experience of Monmouthpedia and it aims to be a pilot project to be used as a reference for coming bigger projects that will take place in the city of San Sebastian in the year 2016, when the city is the European Capital of Culture.



The idea of Amarapedia was conceived by active cultural members and Wikipedians of San Sebastian.

The initial goal is to encourage the citizens involvement in an inclusive way through articles about the quarter of Amara and its neighborhood. This is a continuing of the work done with associations of the neighborhood within Amarauna project (this word means "net" in the Basque language).

Amarapedia is conceived as a process that will be developed during the year 2015. Remarkably, 30 May 2015 a big cultural marathon will be held, with talks and other cultural events, within Olatu Talka Festival, in Mentxu Gal square of Amara.

The main goal of Amarapedia consist in involving the citizens of Donostia-San Sebastian in the writing of as many articles as possible in Basque, which will be translated into Spanish afterwards, until December 2015. Finally, 11 articles will be selected and published as Amarapedia's Essentials, which will be translated into many languages.

Amarapedia project, as Monmouthpedia, will make use of QR technology. In this way neighbours and visitors will be able to read QR codes to reach the articles of Amarapedia. Depending on the configuration language of smartphones, they will read them in their mother tongue.

Visually impaired people will be able to listen the articles using the accessibility features of their smartphones. Additionally, it will be possible to improve, update and translate the articles because Wikipedia is made for sharing and working collaboratively.

Main aims

  1. To expand the information of the quarter: sharing knowledge, promoting local identity…etc.
  2. To promote the Wikipedia in the Basque language.
  3. To support an active community and to empower civic participation.
  4. To provide a thrilling pilot experience for the year 2016.
  5. To engage local associations and encourage working together.

See also



  1. ^ Amarapedia project (in Basque)