User:Lil-unique1/Usable and accessible

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Hello fellow wikipedians. You may or may not be aware but for the last few months, WP:Manual of Style has been undergoing massive changes and copy editing to remove redundancy. Whilst this was on-going it was decided to improve and update the accessibility guidelines. Please find a guide and essay on how to improve the accessibility and usability of articles and specifically improve music-related articles. There are several different options but each is supported by a relevant wikipedia policy. I have had very little input to the accessibility changes but I am involved in trying to manage its implementation at WP:DISCOGSTYLE. If you have any questions please ask me on on the essay talk page but if you are unhappy with the policy please ask the relevant policy page as this is just an essay not the policy itself.

  • Note that the changes below, especially for data tables, do not currently apply to charts formatted using the {{singlechart}} - this will be addressed at a later date.

What is an accessible and usable article?[edit]

Accessibility is split into two fields. The reader and the editor. I'm sure you've come accross articles before and noticed that they have elaborate presentation schemes and lots of bright color etc. However such articles are not accessible for the following reasons:

  1. If a completely new editor wishes to modify the article with credible information they will find it extremely difficult because they won't know all of the intricate coding that goes into making the page look pretty. (usability issue)
  2. If viewed on a portable device e.g. mobile phone or iPod touch such pages often appear misformed. (interoperability issue)
  3. Often color is used as a method of conveying information, however those of partial or no sight maybe using digital screen reading software which cannot read such markups. They can only read the physical information. (accessibility issue)

So from this we can see that accessibility and usability affect both editors and readers of an article. Therefore making an article more accessible and usable is beneficial to both editors and readers.

Improving data tables[edit]

The key here is to think simple and you're half way there.

The major issue in music articles is data tables e.g. chart tables, release history tables and single discography tables. Below is a guide on how we can make those articles more simpler to read and edit per WP:Accessibility.

The code[edit]

Real data example 1[edit]

Taken from a real song, here is what the correct coding should look like.

So what does this look like to ordinary readers?

Real data example 2[edit]

Alternatively you can normalise the font size (remove the boldface) by using:

Overall advice[edit]


  • Make minimal or little use of color:
    • Color is difficult for those of partial sight to interpret.
    • Color is difficult for new editors to format.
  • Make minimal or no use of:
    • <sup> </sup> <sub> </sub> <small> </small>
    • Accept in cases of where is it really needed e.g O2
  • Make use of simplistic tables (reduce color, and other mark up WP:deviations)
  • ASK for advice.
