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This is a message from MediaWiki:Sitenotice.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
|PROJECT       = 
 |listas = {{{listas|}}}
|HOOK_BOTTOM      = <!--
 |TODO_TITLE = Title of To do list
 |TODO_LINK  = Location of todo list
 |TODO_TEXT  = Text to show
 |TODO_STYLE = additional CSS style params
 |TODO_TITLE_STYLE = additional CSS style params
           (set to no to hide edit links)

This hook enables a project to-do list or other similar list to be easily integrated into a project banner. It should be attached to the |HOOK_BOTTOM= hook.

There are two main parameters, |TODO_LINK= and |TODO_TEXT=. Only one should be used at any time. If the todo list is located on a different page then TODO_LINK should be used. However, if you've just got some text to include then you can use the TODO_TEXT option instead.

Styling can be adjusted using the TODO_STYLE & TODO_TITLE_STYLE parameters.

If you are using TODO_LINK and don't want to see the edit links at the top of the textbox, set TODO_EDITLINKS=no.

|PROJECT          = Tulips
 |listas = {{{listas|}}}
|NAME             = The Tulip taskforce
|IMAGE_LEFT       = Tulipa suaveolens floriade to Canberra.jpg
|HOOK_BOTTOM      = {{WPBannerMeta/hooks/todolist
  |TODO_TITLE = WikiProject Tulips To-do
  |TODO_LINK  = Template:To do/to do
WikiProject Tulips  
WikiProject iconThis article is within the scope of WikiProject Tulips, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of Tulips articles on Wikipedia. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks.
WikiProject Tulips To-do:
  • This is just a test to-do list to help editors make sure that the text
  • shows
    1. up
    2. correctly
  • Normally, the "/to do" subpage should only be created under the article's Talk page, unless it is a notice board or project page.
  • To use this template for an article, insert {{to do}} at the top of that article's Talk discussion page. To use it for a project or as your own personal list, add it to the project page or your user page, respectively.
|PROJECT          = Tulips
 |listas = {{{listas|}}}
|NAME             = The Tulip taskforce
|IMAGE_LEFT       = Tulipa suaveolens floriade to Canberra.jpg
|HOOK_BOTTOM      = {{WPBannerMeta/hooks/todolist
  |TODO_TITLE = Suggested article edit guidelines
  |TODO_TEXT  = <div>
[[File:WP1 0 Icon.svg|right|50px]]
* To help us prioritise our workload, and in readiness for [[Wikipedia:1.0]], ...
* After assessing this article's quality, please make sure it to ...
WikiProject Tulips  
WikiProject iconThis article is within the scope of WikiProject Tulips, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of Tulips articles on Wikipedia. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks.
Suggested article edit guidelines:
  • To help us prioritise our workload, and in readiness for Wikipedia:1.0, we need to assess our articles for Quality. If this article is Unassessed, please assess it. See the Article Classification for instructions. If you disagree with a rating, you can change it or discuss it at Article Classification.
  • After assessing this article's quality, please make sure it to add it to the Lists at Article Article Classification, following the grading scheme detailed there.
Example (currently in development in sandbox version)
|PROJECT          = Tulips
 |listas = {{{listas|}}}
|NAME             = The Tulip taskforce
|IMAGE_LEFT       = Tulipa suaveolens floriade to Canberra.jpg
|HOOK_BOTTOM      = {{WPBannerMeta/hooks/todolist/sandbox
  |TODO_TITLE = WikiProject Tulips To-do
WikiProject Tulips  
WikiProject iconThis article is within the scope of WikiProject Tulips, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of Tulips articles on Wikipedia. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks.
WikiProject Tulips To-do: