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This is a message from MediaWiki:Sitenotice.


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|PROJECT       = 
 |listas = {{{listas|}}}
|HOOK_BOTTOM       = {{WPBannerMeta/hooks/collapsed
 |CONTENT          = Content to show
 |COLLAPSED        = Threshold for collapsing
 |IMAGE_LEFT_SIZE  = Size of left image
 |counter = number of rows of content
Syntax with notecounter
|PROJECT       = 
 |listas = {{{listas|}}}
|HOOK_BOTTOM       = {{WPBannerMeta/hooks/collapsed
 |CONTENT          = Content to show
 |COLLAPSED        = Threshold for collapsing
 |IMAGE_LEFT_SIZE  = Size of left image
 |counter = {{WPBannerMeta/hooks/notecounter
  |category = {{{category|}}}
  |note 1  = {{{**PARAMETER**|}}}
  |note 2  = {{{**PARAMETER**|}}}
  |note 3  = {{{**PARAMETER**|}}}
  |note 4  = {{{**PARAMETER**|}}}
  |note 5  = {{{**PARAMETER**|}}}
  |note 6  = {{{**PARAMETER**|}}}
  |note 7  = {{{**PARAMETER**|}}}
  |note 8  = {{{**PARAMETER**|}}}
  |note 9  = {{{**PARAMETER**|}}}
  |note 10 = {{{**PARAMETER**|}}}

This hook enables adding another collapsed section into a project banner. It should be attached to the |HOOK_BOTTOM= hook. The following parameters are used:

  • COLLAPSED_HEAD – the title of the collapsed section. If not defined, "Additional information:" will be used. parameter that will trigger the note. Eg: COLLAPSED_HEAD = Associated taskforces
  • CONTENT – the content of the collapsed section. This could be another hook such as /notes or /taskforces.
  • COLLAPSED – the threshold of the number of rows for the banner to collapse. If {{{counter}}} is more than this number then the section will collapse; otherwise it will display without collapsing. If not defined, a default value of zero is used. Eg: COLLAPSED = 4
  • IMAGE_LEFT_SIZE – this is the size of the left image and should equal the value of this parameter in the main template code. Eg: IMAGE_LEFT_SIZE = 90px
  • counter – can be used to pass the number of rows of content in the section. The /notecounter hook may be used to count several triggers. The default value is 0 if the content is empty or 1 otherwise.