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Metro Nashville Chorus

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Metro Nashville Chorus is a women's a cappella barbershop chorus, located in Nashville, Tennessee in the United States. The group was founded in 1971 and currently has over 40 members. The chorus is led by Master Director Kim Wonders, a chorus member since 1979 and director since 1988.

MNC Logo

Metro Nashville Chorus is a chapter of a worldwide non-profit organization known as Sweet Adelines International. This is a group of over 25,000 women committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education and performance.



There are over 500 Sweet Adeline choruses around the world, ranging in size from 15 to 200. Metro Nashville currently competes in Division AA, mid-size, which includes choruses from 31 to 60. In 2006, Metro Nashville competed as a Division A (or small) chorus, and earned 1st place at Harmony Classic, the international competition for Division A chorus around the world.

2006 Small Chorus Champions

In 2008, the chorus again competed at the Harmony Classic and earned the again earned a gold medal, this time as the Sweet Adelines 2008 Internation Mid-Size Chorus Champions. They are the first chorus to win gold in both size divisions.

2008 Mid-Size Chorus Champtions

MNC's performance at the 2008 regional competition in Chattanooga earned them a Wildcard spot in the 2009 Sweet Adelines Competition which was held in Nashville TN in October 2009. MNC placed 22nd (of 32) against top chorus 2-3 times its size.

In 2011 MNC competed in the Harmony Classic, earning the gold as the 2012 Mid-Size chorus champions - the first chorus to receive three international gold medals at the Sweet Adelines International Harmony Classic.

2012 Mid-Size Chorus Champions

MNC will compete again in Denver CO in November 2012 as a wildcard in the large chorus competition.



Metro Nashville Chorus' members can be seen throughout the community performing at local events, fairs, hospitals, churches, and festivals. The chorus also presents an annual show, with special guests such as Spice Quartet and Jason Coleman.

In 2011, the chorus conducted its first barbership festival for girls 12-20. Called YWISH - Young Women in Song & Harmony - the festival introduced the girls to the barbershop sound, and the YWISH chorus joined MNC for its annual show held at Lipscomb University. MNC plans a second YWISH festival in November 2012.



Metro Nashville Chorus is a dynamic and diverse group of women ranging in age from 18 to 80, with professional women, stay-at-home moms, and retirees on the risers. Most of the chorus lives in the Nashville area, but several dedicated members trek in from Huntsville, Knoxville and Birmingham, AL. New members are always welcome.
