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The term Sanpitsu (三筆) or "three brushes" is used in Japanese to refer to a group of three famous Heian period calligraphers:

A later group of calligraphers named in imitation of the original Sanpitsu are Kan'ei Sanpitsu (寛永三筆) named for the Kan'ei period in which they flourished:

Yet another group named in this fashion are the Zen Chinese calligraphers who worked in Japan known as the Obaku no Sanpitsu (黄檗三筆):

Since this time, the term sanpitsu has been used to designate other groups of renowned calligraphers in groups of three: Bakumatsu no Sanpitsu, Meiji no Sanpitsu and Shōwa no Sanpitsu.

See also[edit]

  • Sanseki, a similar group of renowned calligraphers