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Wikipedia:List of shortcuts/Portal shortcuts

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a directory of abbreviated redirects to Portal pages in the Portal namespace. For general shortcuts and other useful directories, see the navigation bar above.

Pagename Redirects
Portal:Aerosmith P:AERO
Portal:Ancient Near East P:ANE
Portal:Architecture P:ARCH
Portal:Argentina P:AR
Portal:Arts P:A
Portal:Australia P:AU, P:AUS, WP:AU
Portal:Aviation P:AVIA
Portal:Bangladesh P:BD
Portal:Barack Obama P:BO
Portal:The Beatles P:TB
Portal:Beer P:BEER
Portal:Comics P:C
Portal:Canada P:CA, WP:CA
Portal:Cape Verde P:CV
Portal:Conservatism P:RIGHT
Portal:Cooperatives P:COOP
Portal:Cryptozoology P:CRYZOO
Portal:Drink P:DRINK
Portal:Dragonlance P:DL
Portal:Europe P:E
Portal:Fire P:F
Portal:Fascism P:FASC
Portal:Food P:FOOD
Portal:Geography P:G
Portal:Global Warming P:GW
Portal:Germany P:DE
Portal:Hawaii P:HI, P:HAWAII
Portal:Hong Kong P:HK, WP:PHK
Portal:History P:H
Portal:India P:IN, WP:PIN
Portal:Italy P:I
Portal:Jupiter P:J, P:JOVE
Portal:Korea P:K
Portal:Law of England and Wales P:ENGLAW
Portal:London P:L
Portal:London Transport P:LT, P:TFL, P:LUL, P:TUBE
Portal:Latin America P:LA
Portal:Literature P:LIT
Portal:Led Zeppelin P:LZ
Portal:Mario P:M
Portal:Massively multiplayer online games P:MMO, P:MMOG
Portal:Missouri P:MO
Portal:Music P:MUS
Portal:New France P:NF
Portal:New Zealand P:NZ
Portal:Nintendo P:N
Portal:North East England P:NEE
Portal:Novels P:NOV
Portal:Oceania P:O
Portal:Oxfordshire P:OX
Portal:Philippines P:PH, P:RP
Portal:Poland P:PL
Portal:Religion P:R
Portal:Scotland P:SCO, P:SCOT
Portal:Sega P:SE
Portal:Sonic P:SON
Portal:South East England P:SEE, WP:SEE
Portal:Space P:SPACE
Portal:Star P:STR
Portal:Supreme Court of the United States P:SCOTUS
Portal:Switzerland P:CH
Portal:Technology P:T
Portal:Trains P:TRAINS
Portal:Ukraine P:UKR
Portal:United Kingdom P:UK
Portal:United States P:US, P:USA
Portal:University of Cambridge P:CANTAB
Portal:University of Oxford P:OXFORD
Portal:Video games P:CVG
Portal:Wine P:WINE
Portal:Zelda P:Z
Wikipedia:Featured portals P:FP, WP:FPORT
Wikipedia:Featured portal candidates WP:FPCAN, WP:FPOC