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normal math[edit]


There are three ways to render chemical sum formulae as used in chemical equations:

  • ‎<math chem>...‎</math>
  • ‎<ce>...‎</ce>
  • {{chem}}

‎<ce>X‎</ce> is short for <math chem>\ce{X}</math>

(where X is a chemical sum formula)

Technically, ‎<math chem>...‎</math> is a math tag with the extension mhchem enabled, according to the mathjax documentation.

Note, that the commands \cee and \cf are disabled, because they are marked as deprecated in the mhchem LaTeX package documentation.


<ce>\mathit{A} ->[\ce{+H2O}] \mathit{B}</ce>
<ce>{SO4^{2-}} + Ba^2+ -> BaSO4 v</ce>
<math chem>A \ce{->[\ce{+H2O}]} B</math>